Jello Eggs for Easter


These Jello Brand molds are still available on eBay but you can also buy silicone molds. Some may just be rounded on one side and flat on the other.

Colorful Jello Eggs for Easter


  • 1 pkg (8 serving size) JELL-O Brand Gelatin, any flavor This is the LARGE box.
  • 1 1/2 cups boiling water (Do not add cold water)
  • Shredded Coconut
  • Food Coloring


  • Wooden Spoon to stir
  • Bowl
  • Measuring cup with spout
  • Jello Molds
  • Vegetable oil or cooking spray like Pam
Mold for jello eggs

Steps for Single Color Eggs

  • Tint coconut by placing 1/2 cup coconut into a small ziplock bag. In a very small dish put a 1/4 tsp water with one drop of dye. Add a second drop for darker tint. Add to ziplock and shake until coconut is tinted.
  • Wipe inside of both sides of egg mold and along rims lightly with vegetable oil, using paper towel or spray lightly with cooking spray.
  • Close the mold, matching up the rims of the egg halves. Snap each of the six individual egg halves together until each of the six eggs are firmly sealed. Inspect each egg to make sure it is closed and sealed tightly.
  • Place mold, fill side up, on tray.
  • (ADULT)Stir boiling water into dry gelatin in large bowl and stir for 3 minutes until completely dissolved. Pour into measuring cup with pour spout.
  • Fill just to top of the egg.
  • Refrigerate for at least three hours or until firm.
  • See below for ideas on what to do with the extra jello.
  • Open mold with flat dull knife on the outer edge of the mold to gently pry between the halves of each egg. (Do not pull on the handle.)
  • Turn mold over and shake gently to release eggs.
  • On platter lay out tinted coconut and place eggs on top. Keep refrigerated until use.

Steps for 2 Color Eggs

Make two colors by working with one color first, refrigerate for three hours and then adding the second color. When we have more than one color, I use only one small box per color and halve the amount of water per recipe. Lighter jello colors are prettier for Easter. My girls love grape jello, so we made grape ones first, but they were a very dark purple, so we made more!

Tips and Suggestions

  • DO NOT give young children a whole jello egg. If your child is young, cut into small pieces before eating.
  • Check size of box before adding water. I have made the error before of adding too much water for the smaller box.
Jello Eggs with Coconut Easter Grass

Jello Beans

Another cute idea is Jello-Beans. This is best served to older toddlers. Cut in half for younger toddlers for safe eating. They are about a inch long and flat on the bottom. Adds a little extra color to a Jello party platter. A great way to use the extra Jello Mix after pouring into larger molds. These molds can still be found on Amazon.
Jello Beans

Cookie Cutter Jello Shapes

Use cookie cutters and decorate with icing. This is easy for any age and you can use cutters to suit the occasion.