Top 5 Tips for a Mum to Organize Her Weekly Schedule

by Mike Hawks

Being a mother is one of the toughest roles to play in life. Starting from diaper changing and going up all the way till sophomore year, a mother has to sacrifice all her life. But not anymore, with carefully and strategic scheduling, it is very easy for a mother to keep an eye on her child and complete her chores at the same time.

First, let's consider a housewife. A housewife usually has to cook, dust, do the dishes and wash clothes everyday. Apart from that, her main task is to take care of her family. She has to listen to her husband and then she has to listen to her kids. She somehow has to keep everyone happy and that is why she needs to create a schedule every week. Every week different things come up and they should be done according to their priority.

For a housewife scheduling is relatively easy. Here are some tips which will make it easier to schedule.
1. She knows some of her daily chores so has the exact idea of how much time she needs to complete them. First mark these in your daily schedule.
2. Next, list the things that you have to do, other than the daily chores.
3. Prioritize them carefully. Some of them might be urgent, and could be done at a particular time such as meeting someone or paying a bill. First, mark the high priority tasks; rearrange the daily chores if necessary.
4. When the high priority chores are planned out, the remaining ones will be easy to plan. Just make sure you do not overburden yourself on a particular day.
5. Now that you have scheduled your week, you can plan something for yourself. A day with friends or a visit to a spa or salon.
However, for a working mother organizing her weekly schedule might be more difficult than giving birth. Honestly, these women are like gods. They have to keep up with their families and their colleagues everyday. A schedule is the best way to avoid problems, but as mentioned before it is extremely difficult to schedule. Listening to her kids and husband whine after a hectic day or listening to your boss is more difficult than it sounds; only those who have been in a similar situation can understand.

The following are some tips to create and organize a weekly schedule for a working mother.
1. No matter what people say, your job should be your first priority. Mark your meetings and deadlines on your schedule first.
2. Next, mark your daily chores.
3. After your daily chores, create a list of chores which you and your husband should distribute among yourselves. Give him the tasks he can do according to his schedule.
4. When your high priority schedule is set, you can fit in the remaining chores. Here again your husband can help.
5. Try to fit in the low priority chores in such a way that you can have a day or two completely to yourself. A day when you can get away from a week of drama and action is necessary to keep you at your best.

Mike has been writing articles on parenting for a couple of years. When he is not taking care of his children, Mike sells educational toys.

Comments for Top 5 Tips for a Mum to Organize Her Weekly Schedule

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Hard Parenting, Constant Care
by: Vicki

All of Mike’s suggestions sound perfect – really helpful. But to moms of children who have special needs, they might sound unrealistic. When my sons were toddlers (about 25 years ago), it was extremely difficult or almost impossible to have a day to myself. It’s pretty hard to find a sitter who can manage an extremely hyperactive child (who had been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). When that son was in high school he was identified with schizo affective disorder. Then it was impossible to do anything but make sure he didn’t hurt himself or others. He was out of touch from reality and dangerous. All this is to say, parenting may seem hard. But it’s even harder for moms of special needs children. It’s a lonely journey with little relief. Parenting a child with special needs often requires constant care. Thankfully, for those moms God’s care is also constant!

Good Point!
by: Teaching Tiny Tots

Hi Vicki,
Thank you for sharing that. You might consider sharing an article on tips for moms who have children with special needs. I'm sure it would be very helpful!

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