Preparing For Multiples: A Handy Baby Checklist

by Joscelyn Ramos Campbell
(Orlando, Florida)

Multiples are multiple times the blessing. Once your little bundles of joys arrive, you will be taking part in one of life's wonderful and crazy roller coasters, including, taking care of more than one child simultaneously. Naturally, when having more than one child, your mind does think about costs and if you will have to buy double or triple the amount of baby items. There are items that you will have to buy more than one of but not everything needs to be multiplied.

The first step in preparing for multiples is creating a baby registry. The following is a basic list that could help you when preparing to buy items for the arrival of your new babies. (The list is based on having twins, but when you see that you need to buy 2 of an item, buy 3 or 4 if you have triplets, quads, etc.):

2 Cribs (Crib mattress can be firm for better back support.)
1 Bassinet (It is common that multiples are preemies or are small in birth weight. You can just buy one bassinet and then transfer them to cribs when bigger.)
1 Pack 'n Play (One can be bought first but eventually two will be needed due to weight limitations.)
1 Double Stroller
2 Car Seats (Buy another set if you have a second car.)
2 Sunshades for Car Windows (Buy another set if you have a second car.)
2 Bouncy Seats (Helpful to keep babies entertained while Mom is trying to accomplish other things.)
1 Baby Swing & 1 Portable or Travel Swing (There will come a time when you want both babies to be in a swing and it is helpful to have one that is portable.)
2 Rocking Chairs with footstools (Its helpful to have 2 since you will probably be rocking the babies to sleep in varying rooms.)
2 Front Baby Carriers (Great for Mom and Dad to be able to have their hands free.)
1 Diaper Bag (Buy a Diaper Bag that is roomy to fit bottles and jars of food.)
1 Music Player that can play lullaby music or 2 Musical Soothers for the cribs.
Diapers & Wipes (Buy the Mega/Jumbo pack. Multiples use a lot of diapers--do not buy a lot of the Newborn diapers size since babies gain weight rapidly.)
2 Diaper Rash Ointments
1 Diaper Genie (You may want to buy an extra Diaper Genie if your home has a second floor.)
1 Breastpump (Breastpumps can be rented from the hospital.)
12 Bottles
Microwave Bottle Sterilizer
1 Bottle brush
2 Boppy Pillows or 1 Large Nursing Pillow
Newborn tub or Convertible Tub that can be used for sitting infants
8 Washcloths
6 Hooded Towels
Baby Wash, Lotions, Shampoo
10 Burp Cloths
Plastic Bowls and Utensils
2 Pacifiers
4 Waterproof crib/mattress liner
4 Sheet savers
6 Fitted crib sheets
4 blankets
4 Halo Sleep Sacks (Great for swaddling.)
Baby Monitor
Carbon monoxide detector for baby's room
First Aid Kit
Mylicon drops (To help alleviate gas.)
4 Fleece outfits for Winter
2 Winter jackets for Winter
4 pairs of gloves or mittens
4 Sun Caps for Summer
4 Shorts and T-Shirts Sets for Summer
10 receiving blankets
8 One-piece outfits
8 One-piece pajamas
10 pairs of sock/booties


Great Twin and Multiples Checklist for Babies!

This is a great list to help parents prepare for having twins or multiples. As parents preparing for our twins, it was easy to think that you would need two of everything. As Joscelyn points out, not everything needs to be doubled or tripled!

Like every list, its simply a guide to help you prepare. You may find items that you prefer over others or feel that you need less or more of an item. Individual baby preferences may spur you to get a second swing or in our case a second jumpster. Or as mentioned, in a two story home you may decide two of an item would be very helpful.

Season and your location may also influence the number of clothes needed to purchase. Winter babies will need more clothes than summer babies especially in areas that experience snow. We had to find a balance so we were not doing laundry twice a day.

Another great point made is don't buy too many, whether it is diapers or clothes. You will be amazed at how fast they grow.

Teaching Tiny Tots

Comments for Preparing For Multiples: A Handy Baby Checklist

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Great List
by: cori

I've nannied for several sets of twins, 10 sets of triplets, a set of quads and even a set of quintuplets - and your list is perfect!

by: Jules @ Partners In Crime

I didn't & still don't have half of that list.

I think when people find out they are having multiples, they panic & overbuy what they need.

IMO, you don't always need double of everything.

Great list
by: Learning As We Grow

Geez, where was this list when I was pregnat with my twins! I did find that there was very little that actually needed to be doubled. Even to this day I'm cautious about doubling too much, they need to learn to share and take turns.

The car seats are obvious, but try to buy a convertable 3 in 1 car seat so your not buying a new set every 8 months or so. Mine are 3.5 and are still in the same seats.

Irregardless, the list is great and once the shock wears off of the mother to be...its time to hit the second hand stores and Craigslist for clothes, toys, bottles, bibs, etc...(never car seats of course!).

Photo Birth Announcement
by: Anonymous

Preparing for the birth of twins is wonderful and worrisome at the same time. But what I've noticed on this list that is missing is a camera or some method to capture their arrival. Their birth is something you most definitely want to capture. I recently found something wonderful. I am not trying to advertise this, but it is something expectant parents need to be aware is available. especially if they have a iPhone. I recently found this app for birth announcement of Itstwins2. It is absolutely wonderful with photos, all info such as names,weight,length,time, etc. that I can email directly from the iPhone.
Again, I only mention this because this is such a wonderful birth announcement.

Great Article
by: Patricia

Thank you for the article. It helped a lot when it came to doing my twin's baby registry.

What If You're Expecting Sextuplets?
by: Anonymous

If you're expecting sextuplets.. Would you have to double that supplies?

Doubling Supplies?
by: Teaching Tiny Tots

If you are having triplets and more there are some items you will want to increase the number of such as clothing, bottles, and diapers.

However, you will still only really need one of a number of the items on the list such as the Diaper Genie (more refills maybe), 1 First Aid Kit, 1 Tub, 1 Monitor and 1 Pump.

Other items may depend on how much assistance you will have and of course your budget.

This is a starter list so you can always buy additional items you feel you need more of.

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