3 Easy, No-Mess Winter Crafts for Kids

by Brandi Jordan

It's that time of year again when the cold weather keeps us inside and we do everything possible to keep our children entertained. Crafts are a great option, but sometimes the thought of having to scrape Play-Doh out of the carpet is not so appealing. So, what's a mom to do? Try one of the fun winter crafts below that are guaranteed to keep your kids entertained without making a mess.

1. Paper Chains
Paper chains are a great way to reinforce basic skills with children while also having fun. Cut pieces of construction paper into strips and make loops that are linked together. Try making color patterns with the loops by using only two or three colors. You can also use a paper chain to keep track of all of the books that you read during the winter months. Each book is recorded on a new strip of paper and added to the chain.

2. Framed Artwork
Purchase some inexpensive picture frames from the dollar store or use some that you already have to create a wall of framed art. Have your children color and draw on plain sheets of paper and frame their pictures. They will love seeing their work on display and you will have a one of a kind artwork display.

3. All About Me
This fun craft lets children focus on themselves. Fold two to three sheets of blank paper together and have children create a book that tells all about them. Depending on how old they are, they can write and illustrate their books. Start by giving them prompts like, "My name is...", "My favorite book is....", and other phrases that encourage them to talk about themselves. When they are finished, you will have a great keepsake book.

Your children will love being able to be creative and you will appreciate the lack of clean-up with these activities. Have fun experimenting with variations on the ideas and enjoy the time spent with your children. Make this the best winter ever!

About the Author:
Brandi Jordan is the Managing Director of The Teachers' Lounge, a Really Good Stuff blog. She is a former classroom teacher, current homeschool teacher, the mom of 3 and has spent her fair share of time spent digging Play-Doh out of the dining room carpet.

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